Tuesday, September 2, 2014

6 Tips to Eliminate Stale Milk Smell from the Fridge

Milk stored in the refrigerator for too long will eventually stale and cause odor (sour).
This smell will spoil other food aroma stored in the same refrigerator.
The condition becomes worse if it turns out you save spilled milk. Spill milk will seep into areas that are difficult to reach and constantly yag unpleasant odor.
Sour smell of stale milk can be removed, but it will require hard work and a long time, depending on how severe odor smell left and how long it has been attached to the interior of the refrigerator.
Here are some ways to menghilangkau stale smell of sour milk in the fridge:
1 Remove all food stored in the refrigerator.
Put the food in ice Lemar second, if you have it, or enter in the 'ice box' to ensure the food remains fresh when the fridge is cleaned.
2 Remove all the shelves in the refrigerator.
Remove the storage drawer also fruits and vegetables, as well as a tray for storing meat.
3 Wash the shelves, drawers, and tray with warm water and soap water.
Rinse with clean water and wipe it dry with a clean towel.
4 Wipe the inside of the refrigerator with warm water and soap water. Rinse with clean water.
5. Soak a cloth with white vinegar.
Wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a cloth that has been dampened with vinegar. Do the same thing for shelves, drawers, and trays.
The vinegar will kill the odor causing bacteria that remains after washing. The smell of vinegar will generally disappear by themselves within a few hours.
6 Install shelves, drawers, and tray back into the fridge.
Open a box of baking soda, put it at the back of the fridge to absorb odors remaining before putting food back into the fridge.

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